Christmas is just 5 weeks away and I am looking forward for the celebration. I had made a sock for Chloe to hang on the Christmas tree which we will be decorating it together. This is the first time we celebrate Christmas at home.
Last year, we spent Christmas in the hospital. I remember clearly that how I get a shock in my life worrying that something might happen to Chloe. It was Christmas Eve and I was preparing lunch.
Chloe who just woke up from morning nap cried for me and suddenly vomited. Thinking that it may be due to indigestion, we just calmed her down and changed her. After changing her, she vomited again and this time, her face turned white. Quickly we rushed her to the hospital. Thought-out the whole journey she will just threw up and become unconscious by the time we reached the hospital.
The MO in charge quickly put her on drip and I was so heartbroken. I was so worry if something bad happened to her. She just slept there and I am so helpless. Doctor said that it may be due to bacteria infection but need to monitor her for a day. The next day when she woke up, she just smile at me and called mama. That is the best Christmas present I ever had.
This year, I am looking forward to celebrate Christmas with her at home and hopefully it will go well. Keeping my finger cross.
aww. i hope this christmas is better.
omgosh, how scary!
I hope this season brings you much better memories!
In my thoughts! You deserve it !
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