I introduced BabyFirstTV to Chloe couple months back so that she can sit down during mealtime... Yes, I will feed her while she was watching TV. I discourage the idea of letting her watching TV but it seems like BabyFirstTV encourage creativity thus I continue letting her watch it for 30min everyday.
Why am I talking about all this??? ops, actually I wanted to share about bloop and loop that is one of the program in BabyFirstTV. After watching Bloop and Loop, Chloe started to mumble the word 'bubble'.... She loves bubbles and right now I am researching ways to do a homemade bubbles... Fun especially during springtime.
Here is a great recipe for homemade bubbles:
1 Cup Water
2 Tablespoons Light Karo syrup or 2 Tablespoons Glycerin
4 Tablespoons tear-free baby wash
Mix together and have fun!
Colored Bubbles:
1 cup granulated soap or soap powder
1 quart warm water
Liquid food coloring
Plastic straws
Small juice cans
Dissolve soap in warm water. Stir in food coloring until desired color is attained. Give each child a can about 1/3 full of mix and a plastic straw to blow the bubbles.
A fun activity that you may want to try with your toddlers is bubble yoga. Bubble yoga is when you teach your baby how to pop the bubbles with different body parts (such as their elbows, knees, tummy), thereby encouraging physical fitness.
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